Yale linguists to participate in the annual meeting of the Linguistic Society of America
January 3, 2017
Several current and former members of the Yale linguistics department will be taking part in the 91st Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA) in Austin, TX, this weekend. This large conference is held in parallel with meetings of several sister societies in which Yale linguists will also participate, including the American Dialect Society (ADS), the Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), and the Society for Pidgin and Creole Lingustics (SPCL). More information about the conference can be found in the meeting handbook and at the meeting website.
Thursday, January 5:
- Lecturer Hadas Kotek is giving a talk titled “Movement and alternatives don’t mix: A new look at intervention effects” as part of the Interpreting A-bar Structures session.
- Postdoc Jason Zentz (PhD ’16) is delivering a talk titled “Shona wh-in-situ: relating the scopal and pronunciation positions of the wh-phrase“ as part of the Interpreting A-bar Structures session.
- Monica Macauley (UW-Madison) and associate professor Claire Bowern are presenting a poster titled “Language endangerment and small grants: the ELF model” as part of an organized poster session called Twenty Years of the Endangered Language Fund, which they are co-organizing along with Julie Tetel Andresen (Duke).
Friday, January 6:
- Professor emeritus Larry Horn is giving a talk titled “Semantic microvariation and the case of reversed ‘substitute’” as part of the ADS session on Dialect Distinctions.
- Recent alumna Amalia Skilton (BA ’13; UC Berkeley) is presenting a poster titled “Variation in contrastive voice quality in Cushillococha Ticuna” at the Friday morning plenary poster session.
- Postdoc Matt Barros and professor Bob Frank are delivering a talk titled “Shifty subjects and clause-mate restrictions” as part of the Ellipsis session.
- Assistant professor Ryan Bennett, Jaye Padgett (UC Santa Cruz), Máire Ní Chiosáin (University College Dublin), and Grant McGuire (UC Santa Cruz) are presenting a talk titled “Contrast enhancement and cue trading in Irish consonant articulations” as part of the Phonetics: Contrast session.
- PhD student Matt Tyler is giving a talk titled “Clitic doubling in Choctaw” as part of SSILA’s Agreement session.
- Recent graduate student Faruk Akkuş (UPenn) is delivering a talk titled “Copular clauses in Cherokee and Baker’s theory of agreement” as part of SSILA’s Agreement session.
Saturday, January 7:
- Stephanie Kakadelis (CUNY) and adjunct professor Doug Whalen (PhD ’82; also at CUNY and Haskins Labs) are presenting a poster titled “Phonetic properties of stop consonants in languages with no laryngeal contrast” at the Saturday morning plenary poster session.
- Senior Tom (Richard) McCoy is presenting a poster titled “English comparatives as degree-phrase relative clauses” at the Saturday morning plenary poster session.
- Postdoc Kevin Tang and Andrew Nevins (University College London) are presenting a poster titled “Expectation and lexical retrieval in naturalistic and experimental misperception“ at the Saturday morning plenary poster session.
- Recent alumnae Jodi Reich (PhD ’09; Temple) and Kelly Nedwick (PhD ’14; Sacred Heart) are presenting a poster with collaborators Teodora Niculae-Caxi (Temple), Yang Liu (Temple), and Elena L. Grigorenko (Houston) titled “Scalar implicature in Chitonga-speaking children” at the Saturday morning plenary poster session.
- PhD student Josh Phillips is giving a talk titled “A sense of agency: structured pronominal variation in Australian Kreol” as part of the SPCL Morpho-syntax III session.
- Amanda Rivera (CSU Fresno) and PhD candidate Ryan Kasak are delivering a talk titled “Word-level prominence in Hidatsa: Stress or pitch accent?” as part of SSILA’s Stress/Tone/Pitch session.
- PhD candidate Ryan Kasak and Jonnia Torres (University of Colorado Boulder) are presenting a talk titled “Phonetics or phonology: The interaction between pitch and Dorsey’s Law vowels in Mandan“ as part of SSILA’s Stress/Tone/Pitch session.
Sunday, January 8:
- Assistant professor Ryan Bennett and postdoc Kevin Tang are giving a talk titled “Acoustic and lexical effects on speech perception in Kaqchikel (Mayan)” as part of the Predictablity in Speech Perception session.
- PhD candidate Rikker Dockum is delivering a talk titled “Tone analysis in Tai Khamti: Computational models in language documentation” as part of the Tone session.
- Assistant professor Jim Wood, professor Raffaella Zanuttini, and professor emeritus Larry Horn have organized a workshop titled Introducing Arguments: Insights from Micro- and Macro-Variation on behalf of the Yale Grammatical Diversity Project (YGDP). As part of the workshop, they will present a talk titled “Micro-variation in American English non-selected dative constructions.”
- PhD student Matt Tyler is giving a talk titled “Dative case and absolutive promotion of Choctaw experiencers” as part of the YGDP’s workshop.