Bernard Bloch
Bernard Bloch was born in 1907 in New York City, schooled in Munich and St Louis, and studied English and Classics at the University of Kansas before continuing his language studies at Northwestern.
Bloch served as President of the Linguistic Society of America, in 1953 and editor of the journal Language, after 1939.
Bloch taught Japanese at Brown University and in 1943 became Professor of Linguistics at Yale. He died in 1965 in New Haven.
Some of the many publications of Bloch include The American vowel in bird (1934: in Le Maître Phonétique), A Linguistic Atlas of New England (ed. 1939), Tables for a system of phonetic description (1941), The Japanese language (1942), A set of postulates for phonemic analysis (1948: in Language)
[ Source: Martin Joos’ Obituary, Language 43:3-19 (1967) ]