Physical Address
Dow Hall, 2nd & 3rd Floors
370 Temple Street (corner of Grove and Temple Streets)
New Haven, CT 06511
General inquiries can be directed to the Business Office.
Chair’s Assistant & Registrar
Phone: 203.432.2450
Any questions about the graduate program can be directed to the DGS.
Associate Professor & DGS
Dow Hall, 2nd & 3rd Floors
370 Temple Street (corner of Grove and Temple Streets)
New Haven, CT 06511
Dow Hall, Room 204
P.O. Box 208366
New Haven, CT 06520-8366
Contact the Director of Graduate Studies
The Linguistics Department at Yale hosts visiting scholars from other institutions who are interested in participating in the intellectual life of the department and whose research interests fit with those of its faculty.
Candidates should contact a potential faculty sponsor (a professor with whom there is an overlap in research interest). Note that we receive many more requests than we can accommodate, so many candidates are necessarily turned away.
For the current requirements regarding the specified minimum amount, please consult the OISS webiste.