Our PhD degree
Our PhD program takes a distinctively integrative and interdisciplinary approach in investigating the systems of knowledge that comprise our linguistic competence.

Majors in Linguistics
The major in Linguistics offers a program of study leading toward an understanding of phonological, grammatical, and semantic structure and of various approaches to descriptive, experimental, and historical linguistics.
The new Computing and Linguistics major provides a program for the computational study of human language and natural language processing, and the development of skills in computer science, statistics and data science, and linguistics.

Why Study Linguistics?
We use language to interact with the world around us and by studying it, we learn more about the human mind.
Curious about Linguistics?
We have options for non majors as well! Linguistics classes develop skills that can be applied in a wide range of careers.
Edwin Ko awarded a half million dollar NEH grant
The award will allow him and his co-PI to collect and analyze new recordings related to Umóⁿhoⁿ (Omaha), a critically endangered language
American Sign Language (ASL)
Some languages are signed “on the hands.” Our ASL students engage with Deaf culture and the local Deaf community.
Cherokee is the first Indigenous American language offered as formal language courses at Yale. Students learn the culture, grammar, writing, and more.