
Photo of Post-baccalaureate, Irene Yi
February 4, 2022
Department photograph of Milena Šereikaitė.
January 31, 2022
Milena Šereikaitė has recently published in the journal Syntax. Milena’s article titled, “Impersonals, passives and impersonal pronouns: Lessons from Lithuanian”,...
Yale Linguistics Alumnus Matt Tyler
January 31, 2022
Yale Linguistics alumnus, Matt Tyler, has recently published an article titled “Serial verb constructions and the syntax-prosody interface” in Natural Language &...
Professor of Linguistics and Director of Graduate Studies, Veneeta Dayal
January 31, 2022
Veneeta Dayal will give an invited talk via zoom on “The semantics of (in)definite articles and languages without (in)definite articles” in the Foundation Day Lectures at the...