Chirila HistLing Lab presents at LSA

Photo of HistLing Lab presenting over Zoom
February 4, 2022

Claire Bowern’s Chirila Historical Linguistics Lab presented two talks at the session on Language Documentation at the LSA 2022 Annual Meeting. The first talk is titled “Accessibility, discoverability, and functionality: An audit of (and recommendations for) digital language archives”, and the second talk is titled “How usable are digital collections for endangered languages? A review”. Both talks are recorded and available on Youtube (links provided in this post). The first talk assesses digital language archives from an end-user perspective, while the second talk focuses on the perspective of depositors of language collections. The members of the lab on these talks are Sarah Babinski, Irene Yi, Jeremiah Jewell, Amelia Lake, Kassandra Haakman, and Juhyae Kim.

The talks can be viewed at the links below:
