
Claire Bowern
July 19, 2021
Claire Bowern recently gave two talks on recent linguistic work on the Voynich Manuscript, an early cipher manuscript held at Yale’s Beinecke Library. The talks covered...
Claire Bowern
July 5, 2021
Claire Bowern and lab members (including Juhyae Kim and Sam Lopez) have been working with Toby Adams and Kullilli community members of language support. They have been...
Veneeta Dayal
July 2, 2021
Veneeta Dayal published a paper on “The Puzzle of Anaphoric Bare Nouns in Mandarin: A Counterpoint to Index!” jointly with Li Julie Jiang of the University of Hawaii. It is...
Veneeta Dayal
June 25, 2021
Veneeta Dayal gave an invited talk on The Cross-linguistic Expression of Definiteness: Demonstratives, Definites and Bare Nouns at the Cologne Center for Language Sciences,...
Jim Wood
June 21, 2021
Jim Wood gave an invited talk at JENom 9 “The 9th Workshop on Nominalizations,” which was held online June 17–18. This workshop brought together a wide variety of theoretical...
Veneeta Dayal
June 3, 2021
Veneeta Dayal gave an invited talk on The Cross-linguistic Expression of Definiteness: Demonstratives, Definites and Bare Nouns at Tsinghua University, China on June 3, 2021.
Jason Shaw
May 25, 2021
Jason Shaw gave an invited talk at Ludwig-Maximilians University in Munich. The talk, entitled “Tone as gesture: space, time, perception and change” featured recent work in...