
Martín Fuchs
February 10, 2020
During the first week of February 2020, Martín Fuchs taught a course on meaning change and its cognitive and communicative underpinnings at the Buenos Aires Linguistics...
Veneeta Dayal
February 4, 2020
Veneeta Dayal has published a paper in Natural Language and Linguistic Theory. The paper, which is entitled “Polar question particles: Hindi-Urdu kya:“ (link to paper),...
The African Linguistics School logo
January 27, 2020
Starting in 2021, Yale will co-sponsor two meetings of the African Linguistics School (ALS, link to ALS website), an organization focused on training young African linguists...
Veneeta Dayal
January 27, 2020
Veneeta Dayal has published in the latest issue of the Annual Review of Linguistics. The paper, which is joint work with Yağmur Sağ at Rutgers University, discusses the...
Veneeta Dayal
January 16, 2020
Veneeta Dayal was recently invited to teach at two one-day workshops. The first was on Identifying (In)definiteness at the University of Mumbai (India) on January 8, 2020,...
December 20, 2019
The Yale linguistics department is well-represented at the coming Annual Meeting of the LSA, January 2-5, 2020 in New Orleans. But apart from the many current members of the...
Claire Bowern
December 13, 2019
Claire Bowern was an author along with Emily Stark and Patrice Collins on a poster at the Yale Day of Data. The poster is one of a series which charts the increasing number...