Sammy Andersson receives the 2023 Victoria Fromkin Memorial Prize Award for Student Excellence in Phonology
Our very own Sammy Andersson is the recipient of the 2023 Victoria Fromkin Memorial Prize Award for Student Excellence in Phonology from the Linguistic Society of America!
The LSA Committee of Phonologists reported that they took into consideration the originality, breadth, and productivity of research in phonology of each nominated candidate. Their decision to award Samuel Andersson this year was unanimous.
Samuel Andersson was selected for the Victoria Fromkin Award on the basis of their important contributions to theoretical phonology and morphology at an early career stage. Andersson’s publication record is impressive, with papers published in Glossa and accepted to Phonological Data and Analysis (PD&A) before finishing graduate school. Their work shows breadth, with evidence of excellence in corpus and computational linguistics, phonetics, phonology, morphology, and fieldwork. Their PD&A paper and dissertation show careful empirical work on Abkhaz with significant import for metrical theories, requiring a rethinking of the types of units that can host stress and making a novel series of predictions about stress typology.