Larry Horn Receives Prestigious Award
Larry Horn was awarded the prestigious John J. Gumperz Memorial Award for Distinguished Lifetime Scholarship by the International Pragmatics Association (IPrA). The award “recognizes and honors the lifelong distinguished scholarship of a senior scholar whose program of research in language and social processes and professional service has made significant contributions to our field and to the work and vision of the Language and Social Processes Special Interest Group.” IPrA cited many reasons for honoring Larry with this award, including the following: “Horn’s large body of work represents the greatest contribution from any single scholar to understanding the way in which pragmatic forces interact with core linguistic structure and meaning.”
Larry received the award during the 18th International Pragmatics Conference, organized by IPrA and held at Université Libre de Bruxelles, July 9-14, 2023. He gave a plenary lecture entitled “The Grand Tug-of-War: Clarity, Economy, and Expressivity Across the Ages”, and was the guest of honor at the reception that followed the award ceremony.