Ka-Fai Yip wins LSHK Award for Outstanding Student Paper on Cantonese Linguistics

Graduate student Ka Fai Yip won the Outstanding Student Paper on Cantonese Linguistics, organized by the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong in 2024. His paper is entitled “Differentiating between evidential bias and epistemic bias in questions: Evidence from Cantonese”. The paper argues that there are two sources of questions bias: from the speaker’s epistemic state, and from contextual evidence, which are manifested as distinct yes-no question particles in Cantonese.
Papers submitted to the competition were subject to review by a Review Committee appointed by the Executive Committee of the LSHK. Four finalists were selected to attend the International Conference on Yue Dialects during December 13th-14th, 2024 to make an oral presentation before the Panel of Judges.