Raffaella Zanuttini and Co-Authors Publish Paper
Raffaella Zanuttini and her co-authors Miok Pak and Paul Portner published a squib in Linguistic Inquiry.
How to work with a linguist: Increasing language exposure
The Fieldwork Group in the department has just released a video about language learning and how to increase language exposure in a community.
Ka-Fai Yip Publishes Paper in NLLT
“Hyperraising, evidentiality, and phase deactivation” (Natural Language & Linguistic Theory)
Michael Stern and Jason Shaw Publish Paper in Journal of Memory and Language
Neural inhibition during speech planning contributes to contrastive hyperarticulation (Journal of Memory and Language)
Jason Shaw publishes paper in Laboratory Phonology
“Revealing perceptual structure through input variation: cross-accent categorization of vowels in five accents of English” (Laboratory Phonology)
Claire Bowern edits Oxford Guide to Australian Languages
The Oxford Guide to Australian Languages (Oxford Guides to the World’s Languages)
Jim Wood Publishes Icelandic Nominalizations and Allosemy
“Icelandic Nominalizations and Allosemy” (Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)