Tonal opacity in Kikerewe

Shira Calamaro, Yale University


The problem of opacity has played a large role in the phonological literature in recent years. While this phenomenon was originally conceived of in rule-based serialism, with the transition of constraint-based parallelism came further exploration of this topic. The failure of classic Optimality Theory to account for most types of opacity has resulted in a number of modifications to this framework. Yet thus far, none of these proposals have been able to account for the full range of opaque effects. Kikerewe is one such case for which current theories cannot account. A Bantu language with a complex tonal system, the tonal processes in Kikerewe interact opaquely, both between and within levels. This language embodies the limitations of the current theories. Here I propose an analysis of Kikerewe tonal opacity in a framework combining Stratal OT and Harmonic Serialism: Stratal-HS.