Spring 2012
Fridays, 12:00pm, in ‘LingSem’ (Room 201), 370 Temple Street
January 20
Keith Chen (Yale)
The Effect of Language on Economic Behavior
January 27
Aaron Butts (Yale)
The Development of a Copula in Syriac, or What Ancient Languages can Contribute to Contact Linguistics
February 10
Constantine Lignos (UPenn)
Modeling Developmental Mechanisms in Infant Word Segmentation
February 17
David Smith ( University of Massachusetts Amherst)
Efficient Inference for Declarative Approaches to Language
March 2
Keren Rice (University of Toronto)
Continuity and change in Dene ([dEne]) (Athabaskan)
March 23
Robert Frank and Tim Hunter (Yale)
“Eliminating rightward movement: Extraposition as flexible linearization of adjuncts”
March 30
Tour of Yale’s Center for Language Study (CLS)
April 6
Steve Anderson (Yale)
Agreement in Some Languages of Daghestan and the Architecture of Grammar
April 20
Sabina Matyiku (Yale)
Sabina Matyiku Talk
May 4
Norvin Richards (MIT)
EPP as a Metrical Condition on Affixes
May 15
Emily Gasser (Yale)
Emily Gasser, QP Talk