Claire Bowern Awarded Honorable Mention for Grammar

June 20, 2013

At the conference in Leipzig, The Association for Linguistic Typology will present the Georg von der Gabelentz award for a grammar published between 2009 and 2012. The jury of the award has now made its decision. The award winner is: 

Sebastian Fedden of the University of Surrey, who will receive the Gabelentz award for “A Grammar of Mian”, published by De Gruyter Mouton in 2011.

The jury also awarded three honorable mentions, to the following grammars:

Atoyebi, Joseph Dele. 2010. A reference Grammar of Oko: A West Benue-Congo Language of North-central Nigeria. Koeln: Koeppe.

Bowern, Claire. 2012. A Grammar of Bardi. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

Klamer, Marian. 2010. A Grammar of Teiwa. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.

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