Monday Colloquia - Spring 2014

Event time: 
Friday, January 10, 2014 - 11:30am
Rosenfeld Hall See map
109 Grove Street
New Haven, CT 06511
Event description: 

Colloquium talks take place on Mondays at 4 pm in Rosenfeld Hall (109 Grove Street); use the entrance on Temple Street, directly across from the linguistics department in Dow Hall (370 Temple Street). Before the talks, at 3:15 pm, there is a coffee hour in LingSem (Dow Hall 201).

February 10
Hellenic Studies Program Talk, co-sponsored by the Department of Linguistics
Maria Kouneli (Yale BA ’14)
The whistled language of Antia: Strategies for revitalization

February 17
Distinguished Mentor Series
Cleo Condoravdi (Stanford, Yale PhD ’94)
The trouble with anankastics

February 24
Cowgill Lecture
Paul Kiparsky (Stanford)
Word accentuation: From IE to Baltic and Slavic

February 27 (THURSDAY)
Poynter Fellowship Talk
John McWhorter (Columbia)
Is the Creole Prototype hypothesis a mistake? Assessing the debate over whether creoles are a synchronic type of language

March 3
Dorit Abusch (Cornell)
Temporal succession and aspectual type in visual narrative

March 24
Distinguished Mentor Series
Bruce Hayes (UCLA)
Intersecting constraint families: An argument for Harmonic Grammar

March 31
Donca Steriade (MIT)
Similarity-based syncretism: Latin t-participles and t-derivatives

April 1 (TUESDAY)
Karen Emmorey​ (San Diego State)
Psycholinguistic, cognitive, and neural implications of bimodal bilingualism 
LOCATION CHANGE: Dow Hall 201 (LingSem)

April 7
David Embick (UPenn)
Morphemes, syntactic structures, and phonological realization

April 28
David Pesetsky (MIT, Yale BA ’77)
Islands in the modern world

Event Type: 